interface ApplyDamageOptions {
    asNonlethal?: boolean;
    asWounds?: boolean;
    critMult?: number;
    dualHeal?: boolean;
    element?: Element;
    event?: Event;
    forceDialog?: boolean;
    instances?: DamageInstance[];
    message?: ChatMessage;
    reductionDefault?: string;
    target: string;
    targets: (Actor | Token)[];
    text: string;


asNonlethal?: boolean
asWounds?: boolean

Apply damage to wounds directly instead of vigor, as needed for Wounds & Vigor variant health rule.

critMult?: number

Critical multiplier as needed for Wounds & Vigor variant health rule.

Set to 0 for non-critical hits.

dualHeal?: boolean

Is this dual dealing? If enabled, healing affects both normal health and nonlethal as magical healing should.

element?: Element

Chat message reference if any.

This is to help modules overriding this function, the system does not use it.

event?: Event

Triggering event, if any.

forceDialog?: boolean
instances?: DamageInstance[]

Individual instances of damage.

This is not processed currently by the system, though does affect apply damage dialog presentation.

message?: ChatMessage

Chat message reference if any.

This is to help modules overriding this function, the system does not use it.

reductionDefault?: string

Default value for the dialog reduction input field. Not used otherwise.

target: string
targets: (Actor | Token)[]

Targets to apply damage to.

text: string