_defaultData: readonly [
{ _id: "cloth"; hardness: 0; healthMultiplier: 0.07; healthPerInch: 2 },
{ _id: "leather"; hardness: 2; healthMultiplier: 0.17; healthPerInch: 5 },
_id: "adamantine";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightShield: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
dr: true;
hardness: 20;
healthMultiplier: 1.34;
healthPerInch: 40;
masterwork: true;
price: {
ammunition: 60;
heavyArmor: 15000;
lightArmor: 5000;
lightWeapon: 3000;
mediumArmor: 10000;
oneHandWeapon: 3000;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 3000;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 3000;
twoHandWeapon: 3000;
_id: "alchemicalSilver";
addon: true;
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
dr: true;
hardness: 8;
healthMultiplier: 0.34;
healthPerInch: 10;
incompatible: readonly [
price: {
ammunition: 2;
lightWeapon: 20;
oneHandWeapon: 90;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 90;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 180;
twoHandWeapon: 180;
shortName: "PF1.Materials.Types.silver";
_id: "angelSkin";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightBlade: false;
lightShield: false;
oneHandBlade: false;
rangedWeapon: false;
towerShield: false;
twoHandBlade: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["leather"];
hardness: 5;
healthMultiplier: 0.17;
healthPerInch: 5;
masterwork: true;
price: { lightArmor: 1000; mediumArmor: 2000 };
_id: "aszite";
addon: true;
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightBlade: false;
lightShield: false;
oneHandBlade: false;
rangedWeapon: false;
towerShield: false;
twoHandBlade: false;
price: { heavyArmor: 1000; lightArmor: 750; mediumArmor: 750 };
weight: { multiplier: 1.1 };
_id: "blackwood";
baseMaterial: readonly ["wood"];
hardness: 7;
healthPerInch: 10;
masterwork: true;
price: { perPound: 20 };
shield: { acp: -2 };
weight: { multiplier: 0.5 };
_id: "blightQuartz";
addon: true;
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
towerShield: false;
price: {
ammunition: 200;
lightWeapon: 2500;
oneHandWeapon: 2500;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 2500;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 2500;
twoHandWeapon: 2500;
_id: "bloodCrystal";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 10;
healthMultiplier: 0.5;
healthPerInch: 10;
price: {
ammunition: 30;
lightWeapon: 1500;
oneHandWeapon: 1500;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 1500;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 1500;
twoHandWeapon: 1500;
_id: "caphorite";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightBlade: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
oneHandBlade: false;
rangedWeapon: false;
towerShield: false;
twoHandBlade: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
price: { ammunition: 10 };
_id: "coldIron";
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
dr: true;
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 30;
price: { enhancement: { weapon: 2000 }; multiplier: 2 };
_id: "cryptstone";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["stone", "steel", "wood"];
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 30;
masterwork: true;
price: {
ammunition: 10;
lightWeapon: 500;
oneHandWeapon: 500;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 500;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 500;
twoHandWeapon: 500;
_id: "darkleafCloth";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightBlade: false;
lightShield: false;
oneHandBlade: false;
rangedWeapon: false;
towerShield: false;
twoHandBlade: false;
armor: { acp: -3; asf: -10; maxDex: 2 };
baseMaterial: readonly ["leather", "cloth"];
hardness: 10;
healthMultiplier: 4;
healthPerInch: 20;
masterwork: true;
price: { lightArmor: 750; mediumArmor: 1500 };
weight: { multiplier: 0.5 };
_id: "darkwood";
baseMaterial: readonly ["wood"];
hardness: 5;
healthPerInch: 10;
masterwork: true;
price: { perPound: 10 };
shield: { acp: -2 };
weight: { multiplier: 0.5 };
_id: "dragonhide";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
lightBlade: false;
oneHandBlade: false;
towerShield: false;
twoHandBlade: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["leather"];
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 10;
masterwork: true;
price: { multiplier: 2 };
_id: "druchite";
addon: true;
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightShield: false;
towerShield: false;
healthMultiplier: 1.34;
price: {
ammunition: 12;
heavyArmor: 2000;
lightArmor: 1000;
lightWeapon: 1200;
mediumArmor: 1500;
oneHandWeapon: 1200;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 1200;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 1200;
twoHandWeapon: 1200;
_id: "eelHide";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightBlade: false;
lightShield: false;
oneHandBlade: false;
rangedWeapon: false;
towerShield: false;
twoHandBlade: false;
armor: { acp: -1; maxDex: 1 };
baseMaterial: readonly ["leather"];
hardness: 2;
healthPerInch: 5;
masterwork: true;
price: { lightArmor: 1200; mediumArmor: 1800 };
_id: "elysianBronze";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightShield: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 30;
price: {
ammunition: 20;
heavyArmor: 3000;
lightArmor: 1000;
lightWeapon: 1000;
mediumArmor: 2000;
oneHandWeapon: 1000;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 1000;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 1000;
twoHandWeapon: 1000;
_id: "fireForgedSteel";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightShield: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 30;
masterwork: true;
price: {
ammunition: 15;
heavyArmor: 3000;
lightArmor: 1000;
lightWeapon: 600;
mediumArmor: 2500;
oneHandWeapon: 600;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 600;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 600;
twoHandWeapon: 600;
_id: "frostForgedSteel";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightShield: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 30;
masterwork: true;
price: {
ammunition: 15;
heavyArmor: 3000;
lightArmor: 1000;
lightWeapon: 600;
mediumArmor: 2500;
oneHandWeapon: 600;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 600;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 600;
twoHandWeapon: 600;
_id: "glaucite";
allowed: { buckler: false };
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 15;
healthPerInch: 30;
price: { multiplier: 3 };
weight: { multiplier: 1.5 };
_id: "greenwood";
baseMaterial: readonly ["wood"];
hardness: 5;
healthPerInch: 10;
masterwork: true;
price: {
ammunition: 6;
heavyArmor: 150;
lightArmor: 150;
lightWeapon: 300;
mediumArmor: 150;
oneHandWeapon: 300;
perPound: 50;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 300;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 300;
shield: 150;
twoHandWeapon: 300;
_id: "griffonMane";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightBlade: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
oneHandBlade: false;
rangedWeapon: false;
towerShield: false;
twoHandBlade: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["cloth"];
hardness: 1;
healthMultiplier: 2;
healthPerInch: 4;
price: { lightArmor: 200; perPound: 50 };
_id: "heatstonePlating";
addon: true;
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightBlade: false;
lightShield: false;
oneHandBlade: false;
rangedWeapon: false;
towerShield: false;
twoHandBlade: false;
price: { lightArmor: 800; mediumArmor: 1000 };
weight: { bonusPerPound: 0.2 };
_id: "horacalcum";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightShield: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 15;
healthMultiplier: 1.25;
healthPerInch: 30;
masterwork: true;
price: {
ammunition: 120;
heavyArmor: 60000;
lightArmor: 10000;
lightWeapon: 6000;
mediumArmor: 30000;
oneHandWeapon: 6000;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 6000;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 6000;
twoHandWeapon: 6000;
_id: "inubrix";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 5;
healthMultiplier: 0.34;
healthPerInch: 10;
price: {
ammunition: 100;
lightWeapon: 5000;
oneHandWeapon: 5000;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 5000;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 5000;
twoHandWeapon: 5000;
_id: "lazurite";
addon: true;
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightBlade: false;
lightShield: false;
oneHandBlade: false;
rangedWeapon: false;
towerShield: false;
twoHandBlade: false;
price: { heavyArmor: 3500; lightArmor: 1500; mediumArmor: 2500 };
_id: "liquidGlass";
baseMaterial: readonly ["glass", "steel", "wood", "stone"];
hardness: 10;
healthMultiplier: 0.34;
healthPerInch: 10;
price: {
ammunition: 16;
lightWeapon: 800;
oneHandWeapon: 800;
perPound: 250;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 800;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 800;
twoHandWeapon: 800;
_id: "livingSteel";
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 15;
healthMultiplier: 1.16;
healthPerInch: 35;
price: {
ammunition: 10;
heavyArmor: 1500;
lightArmor: 500;
lightWeapon: 500;
mediumArmor: 1000;
oneHandWeapon: 500;
perPound: 250;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 500;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 500;
shield: 100;
twoHandWeapon: 500;
_id: "mithral";
armor: { acp: 3; asf: -10; maxDex: 2 };
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 15;
healthPerInch: 30;
masterwork: true;
price: {
heavyArmor: 9000;
lightArmor: 1000;
mediumArmor: 4000;
perPound: 500;
shield: 1000;
shield: { acp: 3; asf: -10; maxDex: 2 };
treatedAs: "alchemicalSilver";
weight: { multiplier: 0.5 };
_id: "nexavaranSteel";
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
dr: true;
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 30;
price: { enhancement: { weapon: 3000 }; multiplier: 1.5 };
treatedAs: "coldIron";
_id: "noqual";
armor: { acp: -3; asf: 20; maxDex: 2 };
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 30;
price: {
ammunition: 10;
heavyArmor: 12000;
lightArmor: 4000;
lightWeapon: 500;
mediumArmor: 8000;
oneHandWeapon: 500;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 500;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 500;
shield: 2000;
twoHandWeapon: 500;
shield: { acp: -3; asf: 20; maxDex: 2 };
weight: { multiplier: 0.5 };
_id: "paueliel";
baseMaterial: readonly ["wood"];
hardness: 7;
healthPerInch: 10;
masterwork: true;
price: { perPound: 15 };
shield: { acp: -2 };
weight: { multiplier: 0.5 };
_id: "pyresteel";
allowed: { buckler: false };
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 10;
healthMultiplier: 0.5;
healthPerInch: 15;
price: { multiplier: 2 };
_id: "siccatite";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightShield: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 30;
price: {
ammunition: 20;
heavyArmor: 6000;
lightArmor: 6000;
lightWeapon: 1000;
mediumArmor: 6000;
oneHandWeapon: 1000;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 1000;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 1000;
twoHandWeapon: 1000;
_id: "silversheen";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 30;
masterwork: true;
price: {
ammunition: 15;
lightWeapon: 750;
oneHandWeapon: 750;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 750;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 750;
twoHandWeapon: 750;
treatedAs: "alchemicalSilver";
_id: "singingSteel";
armor: { acp: -1; asf: -5; maxDex: 1 };
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 10;
healthMultiplier: 0.67;
healthPerInch: 20;
masterwork: true;
price: {
ammunition: 120;
heavyArmor: 12000;
lightArmor: 750;
lightWeapon: 6000;
mediumArmor: 9000;
oneHandWeapon: 6000;
perPound: 600;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 6000;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 6000;
shield: 7000;
twoHandWeapon: 6000;
shield: { acp: -1; asf: -5; maxDex: 1 };
_id: "spireSteel";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightShield: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 30;
masterwork: true;
price: {
ammunition: 10;
heavyArmor: 3000;
lightArmor: 1000;
lightWeapon: 2000;
mediumArmor: 2000;
oneHandWeapon: 2000;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 2000;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 2000;
twoHandWeapon: 2000;
{ _id: "steel"; hardness: 10; healthPerInch: 30 },
_id: "sunsilk";
addon: true;
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightBlade: false;
lightShield: false;
oneHandBlade: false;
rangedWeapon: false;
towerShield: false;
twoHandBlade: false;
price: { heavyArmor: 6000; lightArmor: 6000; mediumArmor: 6000 };
_id: "sunsilver";
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 8;
healthMultiplier: 0.34;
healthPerInch: 10;
masterwork: true;
price: { perPound: 25 };
treatedAs: "alchemicalSilver";
_id: "throneglass";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
rangedWeapon: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["glass", "steel", "wood", "stone"];
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 30;
price: { lightWeapon: 13000; oneHandWeapon: 13000; twoHandWeapon: 13000 };
_id: "viridium";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["steel"];
hardness: 5;
healthPerInch: 30;
price: {
ammunition: 20;
lightWeapon: 200;
oneHandWeapon: 200;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 200;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 200;
twoHandWeapon: 200;
_id: "voidglass";
baseMaterial: readonly ["glass", "steel"];
hardness: 10;
healthPerInch: 30;
price: {
heavyArmor: 4500;
lightArmor: 1000;
lightWeapon: 1000;
mediumArmor: 2000;
oneHandWeapon: 1000;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 1000;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 1000;
shield: 3000;
twoHandWeapon: 1000;
_id: "whipwood";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["wood"];
hardness: 5;
healthBonus: 5;
healthPerInch: 10;
price: {
lightWeapon: 500;
oneHandWeapon: 500;
rangedOneHandWeapon: 500;
rangedTwoHandWeapon: 500;
twoHandWeapon: 500;
_id: "wyroot";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
rangedWeapon: false;
towerShield: false;
baseMaterial: readonly ["wood"];
hardness: 5;
healthPerInch: 10;
{ _id: "bone"; hardness: 5; healthPerInch: null; primitive: true },
_id: "bronze";
allowed: { buckler: false };
hardness: 9;
healthPerInch: 30;
primitive: true;
_id: "glass";
allowed: { buckler: false };
hardnessMultiplier: 0.5;
primitive: true;
_id: "gold";
allowed: { buckler: false };
hardnessMultiplier: 0.5;
price: { multiplier: 10 };
primitive: true;
weight: { multiplier: 1.5 };
_id: "obsidian";
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
rangedWeapon: false;
towerShield: false;
hardnessMultiplier: 0.5;
price: { multiplier: 0.5 };
primitive: true;
weight: { multiplier: 0.75 };
_id: "stone";
allowed: { buckler: false };
hardnessMultiplier: 0.5;
price: { multiplier: 0.25 };
primitive: true;
weight: { multiplier: 0.75 };
{ _id: "wood"; hardness: 5; healthPerInch: 10 },
_id: "magic";
addon: true;
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
towerShield: false;
dr: true;
intrinsic: true;
_id: "epic";
addon: true;
allowed: {
buckler: false;
heavyArmor: false;
heavyShield: false;
lightArmor: false;
lightShield: false;
mediumArmor: false;
towerShield: false;
dr: true;
intrinsic: true;
] = ...
The singleton registry of materials.
At runtime this registry is accessible as