Override and extend the core ItemSheet implementation to handle game system specific item types
Return a dynamic reference to the HTML template path used to render this Item Sheet
foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { template: "templates/sheets/item-sheet.html", width: 500, closeOnSubmit: false, submitOnClose: true, submitOnChange: true, resizable: true, baseApplication: "ItemSheet", id: "item"}) Copy
foundry.utils.mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { template: "templates/sheets/item-sheet.html", width: 500, closeOnSubmit: false, submitOnClose: true, submitOnChange: true, resizable: true, baseApplication: "ItemSheet", id: "item"})
Allow non-GM to drag&drop actions and items (for containers) to this sheet.
By default, returns true only for GM
Control effect notes and footnotes
Click event
Is this event from locked tooltip?
Handle dropping content-linkable data to <textarea> or text <input>
Open linked item sheet.
Validate input formula for basic errors.
Activate listeners for interactive item sheet events
Prepare item sheet data Start with the base item data and extending with additional properties for rendering.
Override and extend the core ItemSheet implementation to handle game system specific item types