
  • Application
    • AttackDialog



actionUse: ActionUse
ammoUsage: undefined | {}
attacks: undefined | ActionUseAttack[]
attributes: {
    "attack-bonus": string;
    "cl-offset": string;
    d20: any;
    "damage-ability-multiplier": any;
    "damage-bonus": string;
    held: any;
    rollMode: string;
    "sl-offset": string;
base: { cl: any; sl: any }
conditionals: {}
flags: {
    "cl-check": any;
    "haste-attack": any;
    manyshot: any;
    "measure-template": any;
    "power-attack": any;
    "primary-attack": any;
    "rapid-shot": any;
object: ItemAction
resolve: null | (value: null | object | PromiseLike<null | object>) => void
rollData: object
useOptions: any


  • get title(): string
  • An Application window should define its own title definition logic which may be dynamic depending on its data

    Returns string

  • get defaultOptions(): {
        classes: string[];
        closeOnSubmit: boolean;
        height: string;
        sheetConfig: boolean;
        submitOnChange: boolean;
        submitOnClose: boolean;
        template: string;
        width: number;
  • Assign the default options configuration which is used by this Application class. The options and values defined in this object are merged with any provided option values which are passed to the constructor upon initialization. Application subclasses may include additional options which are specific to their usage.

    Returns {
        classes: string[];
        closeOnSubmit: boolean;
        height: string;
        sheetConfig: boolean;
        submitOnChange: boolean;
        submitOnClose: boolean;
        template: string;
        width: number;


  • After rendering, activate event listeners which provide interactivity for the Application. This is where user-defined Application subclasses should attach their event-handling logic.


    • html: any

    Returns void

  • Close the application and un-register references to it within UI mappings This function returns a Promise which resolves once the window closing animation concludes


    • options: {} = {}

      (default: {})

    Returns Promise<void>

    A Promise which resolves once the application is closed

  • An application should define the data object used to render its template. This function may either return an Object directly, or a Promise which resolves to an Object If undefined, the default implementation will return an empty object allowing only for rendering of static HTML

    Returns {
        action: ItemAction;
        ammo: AttackAmmo[];
        attacks: undefined | ActionUseAttack[];
        attributes: {
            "attack-bonus": string;
            "cl-offset": string;
            d20: any;
            "damage-ability-multiplier": any;
            "damage-bonus": string;
            held: any;
            rollMode: string;
            "sl-offset": string;
        conditionals: {};
        config: config;
        data: object;
        flags: {
            "cl-check": any;
            "haste-attack": any;
            manyshot: any;
            "measure-template": any;
            "power-attack": any;
            "primary-attack": any;
            "rapid-shot": any;
        hasAttack: boolean;
        hasDamage: boolean;
        hasDamageAbility: boolean;
        hasTemplate: boolean;
        isAttack: boolean;
        isFeat: boolean;
        isHealing: boolean;
        isMelee: boolean;
        isMeleeWeaponAttackAction: boolean;
        isNaturalAttack: boolean;
        isRanged: boolean;
        isRangedWeaponAttackAction: boolean;
        isSpell: boolean;
        isWeapon: boolean;
        isWeaponAttack: boolean;
        item: undefined
        | ItemPF;
        rollMode: keyof RollModes;
        rollModes: RollModes;
        usesAmmo: boolean;